Wi-Fi networks have the potential to deliver educational benefits to support teaching and learning in a number of ways in schools. They can help to facilitate classroom situations which are more supportive of a student centred active learning model.

The main benefits are:

  • More flexible access to learning opportunities and online resources for teacher and student via mobile WiFi devices
  • Teachers can access and incorporate e-Learning curriculum relevant resources into lessons on a regular basis
  • Students will be given more opportunities for mobile, flexible e-Learning, including access to curriculum relevant resources with guidance of the teacher

Students experience e-Learning activities regularly Wi-Fi coverage can be extended to areas which are difficult or expensive to cable. Examples include older buildings, remote buildings, temporary classrooms, open plan areas such as halls and libraries, and outdoor areas.

Please use the form below to request a quote. After submitting your request, a representative will respond to you within 24 hours with your pricing and additional information we may need to make your purchase.

    If you have any additional questions or would like to receive a quote over the phone, please call us: (01) 846 4200
